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Faith Formation & Childcare



Every Sunday - 10:15AM (during Worship) (September to June)

Sunday School is offered EVERY Sunday morning DURING WORSHIP for Preschool, Grades K-2, Grades 3-5. The children will begin in worship and then be escorted by teachers to the 5th floor during the Passing of the Peace the Opening Hymn of Praise for classes. They return to the Sanctuary during the final hymn. Please contact Denise Jenkins at if you are interested in helping or want more information about the children's program.


Childcare is provided for children 4 and under during the Sunday worship service all year long. 


We are committed to providing a loving and safe space for all of God's children. Click here for Cheverly UMC Safe Sanctuary Policy.

Wednesdays - 

7PM - Mid Week Bible Study, Wednesdays, 7-8:30PM Room 43.  Child care available in the nursery. 

Cheverly's Children's Choir

Every Thursday - 5-5:30PM - 4th Fl Choir Room (September to June)

For more information please contact: Brian Frye at


The Children’s Choirs is an extension of Christian education and community outreach. Christian character is taught and developed through participation
in the Children’s Choir. Our Children’s Choir participates in worship throughout the year, usually once a month.

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Music Ministry


Sanctuary Choir - Thursdays at 7:30PM; Sundays at 9:15AM

Ladies' Ensemble - Mondays at 6:00PM

Handbells - as needed throughout the year

The church is a place where God’s creative spirit surrounds us with beauty beyond imagination. It is this wonderful connection between God and each of us that allows the creative spirit to soar and blossom through music and all the worship arts. We invite you to join us on Sunday in singing hymns and participating in creative worship. 


For more information about the Music Ministry contact our Director of Music, Brian Frye. 

Monthly Senior Luncheon


The 3rd Wednesday of each month - various locations

Here at Cheverly UMC we are thankful for the guidance and wisdom of our seniors. Their active engagement in ministry and missions makes a difference in our life together as a congregation. The seniors gather monthly for a time of fellowship. For more information on location, check the church calendar or contact the Church Office.

Community Partners


Many community organizations meet right here at Cheverly UMC. Some of the services provided either directly by the church, or hosted by the church include:

© 2020 Cheverly United Methodist Church

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