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A Glimpse into Cheverly United Methodist Church

What makes Cheverly UMC the church at the heart of Cheverly community...
by the people of Cheverly UMC!


We are a local congregation of The United Methodist Church.  Following the roots of Methodism, our church is devoted to putting faith and love into action and our primary mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.


Do you desire to be part of Christian community?

Do you have doubts and questions about God?

Are you carrying the burden of hurts or losses in your life?


We believe we have a direct responsibility to reach out and listen to you, to accept you as a sister or brother, to share the Gospel with you through both word and action, to invite you into our family of faith, and to joyfully receive you when you respond.


For more information about The United Methodist Church visit


For more information about the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church visit


  1. Engage in worship that is God-filled and welcomes all.

  2. Build a community of spiritual development through learning and fellowship.

  3. Participate in mission-focused ministries to serve our neighborhood and the global community.

  4. Sustain the financial health and vitality of the congregation.

  5. Increase lay leadership development and opportunities for lay leadership growth.

© 2020 Cheverly United Methodist Church

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